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Research Questions


Same-sex sexual behaviour


Same-sex sexual behaviour is often treated as a paradox requiring special explanation.   

But I think a better approach is to consider an individual's mating filter. A broad mating

filter means directing courtship behaviour towards anything that resembles a potential mate, whilst a narrow filter means only courting with receptive targets. Different social and environmental factors will determine when it is better to have a narrow or broad filter. 


Example publications: 
Richardson & Zuk (2023

Richardson et al. (2024PNAS


Meta-analyses of mate choice


Studies of mate choice often rely on conventional wisdom to guide study methodology. However, such decisions aren't always representative of the natural conditions under which mating is actually occurring. I use meta-analyses to examine these axioms to see if "what everyone knows" is really true. 


Example publications: 

Richardson & Zuk 2022 Behavioral Ecology

Richardson & Zuk 2023 Ecology Letters



Social effects of inbreeding â€‹


Inbred animals often suffer reduced survival, immunity or reproductive success. But how do social interactions such as parental care or competition influence the costs of inbreeding for both inbred and outbred individuals? 


Example publications: 

Richardson & Smiseth 2022 ASB
Richardson & Smiseth 2017 AmNat

Richardson et al. 2018 ProcB


Making the best of a bad situation


Animals often have to deal with harsh environments, limited resources, or competition with others. How do animals shift their reproductive behaviour to make the most of these adverse conditions? 


Example publications: 

Richardson et al. 2021 Ethology
Richardson & Smiseth 2020 Behavioral Ecology 


Life-history strategies


Animals have to invest resources to growth, reproduction and survival. But resources are limited so investing more to one function means investing less in others. How do individuals decide where to invest their resources and what consequences can these different strategies have? 


Example publications: 
Richardson & Smiseth 2019
Richardson et al. 2020 Journal of Animal Ecology

Copyright - Jon Richardson 2023

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