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September 2024 - I presented my work at the International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE) meeting in Melbourne, Australia  

September 2024 - New paper out now in PNAS - we show that male crickets in poor condition engage in less same-sex sexual behaviour 

January 2023 - New paper out now open-access in
Ecology Letters - in it we provide meta-analytical evidence that in invertebrates males generally prefer virgin females

August 2023 - ​I presented my mating filters work at the Non-Traditional Arthropod Model Systems meeting (NTrAMS) meeting at Bowdoin College, Maine

July 2023 - I talked about my work on mating filters at the Animal Behavior Society (ABS) meeting in Portland, Oregon

April 2023
- New paper out now in Proc B - in it we make the case for an alternative way of thinking about same-sex sexual behaviour in animals 

January 2023 - New paper out now in
Behavioral Ecology - in it we respond to comments on our recent meta-analysis

January 2023 - I'm now an Associate Fellow of Advance Higher Education 

December 2022 - New paper out now in Advances in the Study of Behavior - we review inbreeding in the context of social interactions

December 2022 - New paper out now in Behavioral Ecology - we conducted a meta-analysis looking at the use of virgin females in studies of female mate choice. Check out the commentaries from other authors too! 

July 2022 - I am heading to Stockholm for ISBE 2022. 
I'll be presenting a poster on brood parasitism and egg laying in burying beetles 

January 2022 - I am now a postdoc in the Department of Ecology, Evolution & Behavior at the University of Minnesota working with Marlene Zuk! 

July 2021 
- New paper led by Tom Ratz in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution on sex differences in parental care 

July 2021 - New paper in Ethology on brood parasitism and egg laying in burying beetles 

March 2021 - New paper in Behavioral Ecology on differential allocation and direct effects of male condition in burying beetles 

January 2021 - New paper in Journal of Evolutionary Biology on sex-specific associations between wing polymorphism and life history in Pacific field crickets - a collaboration with the Zuk lab

June 2020 - Beetles from my recent paper on cobreeding are the cover image for the May/June 2020 issue of Behavioural Ecology!   

April 2020 - New paper in Journal of Animal Ecology on trade-offs between reproduction and competitive ability 

April 2020 - Research from my recent paper in Behavioral Ecology was covered in the blog ETHOlogisch

February 2020 - New paper in Behavioral Ecology on cobreeding in burying beetles. We show that cobreeding females lay bigger clutches and eggs but provide less parental care 

February 2020 - New paper led by Matthieu Paquet in Hormones & Behavior on maternal adjustment of hormone concentrations
January 2020 - I was awarded a Professional Development Scholarship from the E3 DTP

September 2019 - I visited the Zuk lab at the University of Minnesota where I worked on the consequences of alternative mating tactics and sexual signal loss on life history in the Pacific field cricket (Teleogryllus oceanicus)
August 2019 - I gave a talk on maternity uncertainty and cobreeding at the European Society of Evolutionary Biology meeting in Turku, Finland

July 2019 - New paper in Behavioral Ecology on the effects of food deprivation on maternal care

July 2019 - New paper in Behavioral Ecology on the ability of parental care to buffer against ambient temperature 

July 2019 - I was awarded a grant from the E3 DTP Overseas Research & Conference Visit Fund to visit the University of Minnesota   

May 2019 - New paper in Animal Behaviour on nutritional condition and mating behaviour

April 2019 - I gave a talk on nutritional state and mating behaviour at the ASAB meeting in York, UK

November 2018 - I was interviewed by the PhDetails blog about my research and experiences as a PhD student 

November 2018 - New paper in Journal of Evolutionary Biology on inbreeding and sibling competition

October 2018 - New paper in Journal of Evolutionary Biology on life history trade-offs 

October 2018 - I won a prize for the best poster at the Graduate School Poster Day at the University of Edinburgh  

October 2018 - New paper in Evolution on interactions between siblings  

September 2018 - I attended the 24th European Meeting of PhD Students in Evolutionary Biology in Granada, Spain where my talk won an award for scientific content 

July 2018 - New paper in Behavioral Ecology on parent-offspring competition 

June 2018 - New paper in Proceedings B on inbreeding and decision making  

June 2018 - My profile was included in the 500 Queer Scientists project, which aims to promote LGBTQ+ visibility in science  

June 2018 - New paper in The American Naturalist on inbreeding and parent-offspring communication

August 2017 - I gave a talk on inbreeding and parent-offspring communication at the European Society of Evolutionary Biology meeting in Groningen, The Netherlands

May 2017 - New paper in The American Naturalist on inbreeding and intraspecific competition

April 2017 - I gave a talk on inbreeding and terminal investment at the ASAB meeting in Liverpool, UK

October 2016 - I am now a PhD student in the Smiseth lab at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh. 


Copyright - Jon Richardson 2023

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